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Mr De Poel, why not show your film to some other friends of Mr Wilders?

As announced, another look at Mr De Poel's item in KRO Brandpunt of September the 29th. For all its very reprehensible shortcomings, the item at least had the merit of shedding light on a noteworthy fact. It's the shift in Mr Wilders's attitude towards what he himself always demounced as the 'far right'. In the years 2004-2006, Mr Wilders left one of Holland's mainstream parties and he initiated the PVV. As from the start to the present day, he has been emphasizing, in parliament and in interviews, that the PVV had and has 'nothing to do with extremism and anti-Semitism'. And now, in this programme, he was seen to meet and praise Mr Strache, an Austrian who did several Nazi-ish things, and Mr Wilders didn't want to answer Mr De Poel's obvious question: 'Why do you think of Mr Strache as an impressive man?'

      Besides highlighting this, the programme also made it clear that Mr Wilders is looking for friends in a political spectrum that is exceptionally wide.

      On June the 10th, 2009, the Netwerk programme in The Netherlands paid attention to American supporters of Mr Wilders, many of them being Jewish, according to reporter Silvia Brens. The tenor of her broadcast is: after 9/11, a number of American Jews see a threat in radical Islam, and they consider Mr Wilders, known for his anti-Islam position, to be a voice in Europe that deserves and needs to be supported. Some quotes from this 2009 TV item:

      Pamela Geller: 'We are with the man, the legend: Geert Wilders!'
      He stands beamingly next to her.
      Pamela Geller was one of the speakers at the protest against the building of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York.

      Steven Goldberg, of the Zionist Organization of America: 'I think it is important to support people like Mr Wilders who are taking a courageous stand and telling the truth and risking his life doing so' (...) 'We were very seriously affected on 9/11 in the United States, even though that was years ago. Europe seems to be affected much more dramatically. [?-RS] I am also somebody who's involved in the advocacy for the State of Israel, and of course Israel is very much under threat of Islamic radicalism. So I appreciate Wilders addressing the issue I think very honestly and very clearly'

      Mr Wilders, wearing a yarmulke, speaks to an audience: 'This is a war against us all. We all are Israel.'
      The audience gives him a big applause.
      Mr Wilders on an American TV channel: 'Islam wants nothing else than submit other people.'
      Mr Wilders, again addressing the audience: 'Islam, as a matter of fact, is not a religion. Islam is a totalitarian political ideology.'

      Roger Simon, proprietor of Pajamas TV: 'We wanted to interview him because he is in the forefront of this conflict which is taking place so tremendously in Western Europe' (...) 'There is a whole conflagration of values. The Enlightenment, which was the great gift of Europe, is to some degree under threat here.'
      The reporter replies: 'Sometimes it feels like the 1930s, when all the ills were pinpointed to the Jews. So it surprises me that Jews are now saying: look at this, this is a danger...'
      Roger Simon: 'Ho-ho-ho, I reject that entirely. First of all, the Jews were not oppressing women. Jews didn't have a culture in which a man could marry several women, so I'm sorry, slow down, hee-ho-ho, that is bullshit. You can put that on Dutch television. Yes, there have been unfair things said about Muslims, I'd say about a lot of people, but they're the ones who want Sharia law, they're the ones who want a separate society, they're the ones who want a caliphate for the world. The Jews didn't say that, the Jews wanted to integrate into Western Europe, badly; they wanted to be participants, as you well know, and then they got the Holocaust. So it's not... the equivalency is absurd.'

      Steven Goldberg: 'I can certainly understand why a nation would have rules prohibiting anyone, certainly foreigners, giving too much money to a political campaign.'
      In the editing room, the reporter adds that under Dutch law Mr Wilders is allowed to accept money from foreigners, without the obligation to make this publicly known, given the legal structure he gave to his political movement.

      Now, it is possible that the Jews mentioned above have already been informed about the Wilders-Strache contact, and to leave nothing to chance, I could send internet letters to them about this. I could also send an internet letter to Leon de Winter, a prominent Dutch Jew who also featured in the 2009 programme. He was said to know many Americans, often Jews, who sympathize with Wilders, and he said that rich people in America are inclined to let their money speak, to write out cheques benefiting those they find interesting.

      My writing about Torahism is not likely to make me very popular with the people I would address, but they and I have at least one thing in common: the rejection of Nazism. Now, I am not saying that Mr Strache is a Nazi, but he has published a cartoon reminiscent of Hitler's propaganda, and that is something that every politician with an inkling of understanding of history and the Jewish emotions would and should avoid.

      However, I have the feeling it isn't my turn yet. The proper thing that needs to be done now, I would kindly suggest, is that Mr De Poel goes to America, visits the Jewish contacts of Mr Wilders over there and shows them his broadcast of September the 29th. That would give these American Jews the opportunity to reconsider their opinion on Mr Wilders. I mean, Dutch television was the platform on which they were seen to associate themselves with Mr Wilders; let Dutch television now be the platform on which they can distance themselves from him, if they want to.

      Besides, this is simply something that those unknown people who are perhaps still supporting Mr Wilders financially should know. Let's assume there is at least one rich Jew among them, well, I can hardly imagine he or she even wants to pay for the lunches of Mr Wilders and Mr Strache, let alone contribute to their co-operation in any form.

      Could make for some clarifying and fascinating TV moments, I would think.
      Even without anyone having to mention Torahism!
      How about it, Mr De Poel?

      Mr Wilders and Mr Strache were said to work together for the EU's parliamentary elections. These are scheduled for the fourth week of May 2014. If I haven't seen KRO Brandpunt broadcast the follow up I suggested above before, let's say, April the 8th, I will publish my internet letters on that day.

      Again, I will bring this article to Fons de Poel's attention and if he sends a reaction, I'll publish it. Geert Wilders was one of the ten Dutch politicians I wrote an internet letter to in 2010, but he didn't reply.

Richard Schoot, 29th October 2013

P.S.1: I haven't received a reaction from Mr De Poel. (24th December 2013)

P.S.2: As KRO Brandpunt hasn't picked up my suggestion, I e-mailed Pamela Geller, Steven Goldberg and Roger Simon to draw this article and the article Why not show Deuteronomy 15:6, Mr De Poel, instead of that anti-Semitic cartoon? to their attention. On second thoughts, I didn't find it necessary to publish these e-mails. (8th April 2014)

Britain, The Netherlands, Europe are in very big trouble, in my view. Our countries urgently need new political parties, Christian Patriotic parties, and it is very important to know what Torahism is. Please read my main text at
      If you come to agree with my views, please always remember that the only way out is a peaceful and patient way. Not a single foreigner or Jew can be held responsible for the country's present situation. Avoid confrontations that can easily turn overheated. Don't react to provocations. Please don't view the avoiding as cowardice. It isn't. Be strong, be calm and calm down others if their anger may cause them to do foolish things.

Long live the Jews, down with Torahism.


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