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Occasionally, I make corrections in texts which I have already publicized. This page points out the corrections that I made as from December the 10th, 2017. The corrections that I made before that date, have been mentioned on the initial page, between the shorter texts.

10th December 2017: on the initial page, in the text 'Please don't fall for the media trap that is the word "Judeo-Christian", in the sentence 'The word is of course often used by old party politicians as well as by the media', 'often' was replaced by 'also'.

5th January 2018: in part 2 of the main text, after chapter 10 (Epilogue), the following P.S. was added: As time went by after the publication of this text, I came to understand Christ better, like what He said about Heaven and hell, and I incorporated my improved insights in Yeshua is telling us the saving truth

5th January 2018: in 'Yeshua is telling us the saving truth', in paragraph 1, the misquote 'No idea killed more people than the idea of a single God' was replaced by the correct quote, 'As long as there has been one true god, there has been killing in his name'.

20th January 2018: on the initial page, in the article 'President Trump helped an "enemy of the American people" make money', the sentences 'Ten months went by. Then, in December, he gave an interview to the New York Times' were replaced by 'More than ten months went by. Then, I saw he had given an interview to the New York Times in December'

20th January 2018: on the initial page, in the article 'Whether author Michael Wolff is telling untruths or President Trump, America is losing either way', 'Benyamin' was replaced by 'Benjamin'.

30th March 2018: in the standard closing text, 'lifes' was replaced by 'lives' twice.

4th April 2018: in the article 'Why I congratulate the President of Russia on his electoral victory', in paragraph 4, the sentence 'Speaking of President Trump, have you noticed how he has changed his mind on Russia, in the past two years?' was replaced by 'Speaking of Washington, have you noticed how President Trump has changed his mind on Russia, in the past two years?' In paragraph 14, 'Keremovo' was replaced by 'Kemerovo'.

29th April 2018: on the initial page, in the text of October the 4th, 2017, about the Las Vegas shooting, 'turning many of us in' was replaced by 'turning many of us into'.

29th April 2018: on the initial page, in the text 'Syria' of April the 9th, 2018, 'On March the 31st' was replaced by 'On March the 29th'.

14th May 2018: in the 'Internet letter to the city council of Herxheim am Berg, Germany', 'Madams', 'moise' and 'lifes' were replaced by 'Madam', 'noise' and 'lives'.

25th July 2018: on the initial page, in the text 'Remarkable insults' of June the 25th, 2018, the sentence part 'if they haven't had that knowledge' was replaced by 'if they hadn't had that knowledge'.

9th August 2018: on the initial page, in the text 'Islam and President Macron's Republic', 'Beurre FM' was replaced by 'Beur FM'. 'A grand remigration plan' was replaced by 'a comprehensive remigration plan'.

26th September 2018: in the article 'Thoughts about 9/11, seventeen years on', 'the North and South tower' was replaced by 'the North and South Tower'. The sentence part 'he showed his joy over the success of the attack' was replaced by 'he showed his joy over the 'success' of the attack'. The sentence 'Let’s think of them, of all these victims, and let’s realize, and find solace, in the certainty that if America’s rulers were indeed more involved in 9/11 than they want the American people to know, they will once have God to answer to, amused by the mere thought as they may be now.' was replaced by the sentence 'Let’s think of them, of all these victims, and let’s find solace in the certainty that if America’s rulers were indeed more involved in 9/11 than they want the American people to know, they - like everyone else - will once have God to answer to, amused by the mere thought as they may be now.' 15th November 2018: 'envisage' was replaced by 'foresee'

10th November 2018: on the initial page, in the text 'The coming U.S. midterm elections: Mr Obama attacks President Trump', 'Middle Americans' was replaced by 'Central Americans' and 'commenters' was replaced by 'commentators'.

24th November 2018: in the 'Internet letter to the city council of Herxheim am Berg, Germany', the sentence part 'either unable or unwilling to understand that is the unvoluntary, inescapable indoctrination' was replaced by 'either unable or unwilling to understand that it is the unvoluntary, inescapable indoctrination'

25th November 2018: in the article 'My impressions of the Brexit process', in paragraph 10, 'John Mann' was replaced by 'Mark Francois'. 26th November 2018: in paragraph 6, 'politicial' was replaced by 'political'. In paragraph 13, the sentence part ' more or less the BBC1 and BBC2 of Germany' was replaced by '...are more or less the BBC1 and BBC2 of Germany'. 24th January 2019: in paragraph 3, '40 billion pound' was replaced by '39 billion pound'. In paragraph 4, the sentence part '54% vote 'yes' and 46% vote 'no'' was replaced by '52% vote 'yes' and 48% vote 'no''. In paragraph 11, 'follow's' was replaced by 'follow'.

12th December 2018: on the initial page, in the text "Erasmus was an anti-Semite" of 26th November 2018, the name of 'Ehrenstreich' was replaced by 'Ehrenreich'

24th December 2018: in the article 'The tensions between Washington and Moscow over the INF treaty', the sentence 'Now, what's going here?' was replaced by 'Now, what's going on here?'

26th October 2019: on the initial page, in the text 'A strange museum exhibition and the even stranger NOS news coverage of it', 'truely' was replaced by 'truly', 'Finally, there...' was replaced by 'Then, there...' and 'unvoluntarily' was replaced by 'involuntarily'

21st November 2019: on the initial page, in the text 'After the terrible find in a lorry at an industrial site in the UK', the sentence part 'that the state means business' was replaced by 'that the state takes its duties seriously', the sentence part 'So why are the old media then always calling them 'desperate'...' was replaced by 'So why then are the old media always calling them 'desperate'...', the sentence part 'The chief editors know that most Europeans, even though church attendancy is at a record low, still have Christian values' was replaced by 'The chief editors know that - even though church attendancy is at a record low - most Europeans still have Christian values', the sentence part 'parties who have been facilitating the ongoing immigration for decades know' was replaced by 'parties that have been facilitating the ongoing immigration for decades now', the sentence part 'African children suspected of witchcraft being murdered in the UK' was added, 'the acts of terror' was replaced by 'the acts of Islamic terror', 'The seeds' was replaced by 'The seed', the sentence part 'will thus persist in telling you' was replaced by 'will thus persist in telling us'.

24th January 2020: in the article 'Yeshua is telling us the saving truth', in paragraph 4, 'lifes' was replaced by 'lives' twice.

28th March 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'And now some friendly words from our honourable NATO ally in the South-east' (12th October 2019), 'the watchdogs of today's rulers' was replaced by 'watchdogs in the service of today's rulers'. In the article 'How the Dutch Nieuwsuur programme made America look like two different countries' (15th November 2018), 'one of those media reports about that city' was replaced by 'a media report about that city'. On the initial page, in the text 'Protectionism' (24th February 2018), 'over 80 people' was replaced by '72 people'.

11th April 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'There is simply no such thing as being too constructive, is there, Mr Starmer?' (5th April 2020), 'everytime time' was replaced by 'every time'.

18th April 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'The pandemic (2)' (28th March 2020), 'St Mark' was replaced by 'St Matthew'.

23rd August 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', the sentence part 'in Nazi-occupied territory' was replaced by 'in Nazi-ruled territory'.

8th September 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', 'stonefaced' was replaced by 'stony-faced'.

15th September 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', the sentence 'They don't count at all.' was replaced by 'The non-Jews don't count at all.'

2nd October 2020: in ‘Britain faces the threat of Anglocide’ and in ‘A selection from the texts I published on the British Democracy Forum > 25-08-2010: Internet letter to the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats’, ‘Yehoshua’ was replaced by ‘Yeshua’.

2nd October 2020: in ‘Internetbrief aan tien lijsttrekkers’ of 25th May 2010, ‘Jehosjoeha’ was replaced by ‘Jesjoea’.

11th October 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', the part ' the other holy books of Torahism, written in later centuries, sprung from the same fatal mindset as Moses had.' was replaced by ' the other holy books of Torahism. Books like Ezra, Nehemiah, Isaiah and Jeremiah were written in later centuries, but sprang from the same fatal mindset as Moses had.'

15th October 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', the sentence 'The 'good' example to subvert a non-Jewish society is set by Moses's Lord no less' was replaced by 'The 'good' example of subverting a non-Jewish society is set by the Lord of Moses no less.'

21st October 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', 'Auschwitz' was replaced by 'Auschwitz-Birkenau'.

28th October 2020: in 'Britain faces the threat of Anglocide', in chapter 6.5.3, 'Matthew 5:22' was replaced by 'Matthew 5:22-30'. In the article 'Yeshua is telling us the saving truth', in paragraph 4, 'Mark 5:22' was replaced by 'Matthew 5:22-30'.

29th October 2020: on the initial page, in the text 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', 'Numeri' was replaced by 'Numbers'. In the text of October the 21st, 'the non-Jewish majority' was replaced by 'the non-Israelite majority' and 'as time alllows' was replaced by 'as time allows'. In the article 'The tensions between Washington and Moscow over the INF treaty', 'unstablity' and 'unstability' were replaced by 'instability'.

3rd November 2020: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of October the 2nd, 'imploring' was replaced by 'wringing his hands'. In the text of October the 29th, 'the wonderful predictions in Isaiah and Daniel' was replaced by 'the wonderful prophecies in Isaiah and Daniel'.

12th November 2020: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of November the 3rd, 'a traitor of the cause' was replaced by 'a traitor to the cause'.

20th November 2020: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of November the 12th, the sentence 'Nehemiah was a Jewish governor; he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in the 5th century BC.' was added. The sentence part '...Moses's laws. Nehemiah also mentions...' was replaced by '...Moses's laws - and then, Nehemiah mentions...'. The sentence part 'for slaughtered, expelled and oppressed non-Jews' was replaced by 'in terms of slaughtered, expelled and oppressed non-Jews'. The texts of November the 3rd and the 12th became part of a numbered list.

7th December 2020: in 'Britain faces the threat of Anglocide', part 2, 'Israelietisch' was replaced by 'Israëlietisch'. In 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of August the 19th, 'small memorials in the shape of metal plaques' was replaced by 'memorials in the shape of small metal plaques'.

15th December 2020: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of November the 28th, the sentence part 'we have already encountered many times in the previous' was replaced by 'we have already encountered many times in the earlier texts'. In the text of December the 7th, 'Space-X' was replaced by 'SpaceX'.

18th December 2020: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of December the 15th, the sentence part 'at the expense of the wellbeing, the prosperity and the lives of the non-Jews' was replaced by 'at the expense of the wellbeing, of the prosperity, yes, even of the freedom and the lives of the non-Jews'.

2nd January 2021: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of October the 29th, the sentence part 'After the Torah took its dominant place in Jewish life...' was replaced by 'After the Torah got its dominant place in Jewish life...'

6th January 2021: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of January the 2nd, the sentence part 'I will share with you what I know what several U.S. Presidents have said about Jewry in the past century' was replaced by 'I will share with you what I know several U.S. Presidents have said as a criticism of Torahism in the past century'.

20th February 2021: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of January the 29th, 'a snub towards' was replaced by 'a snub to'. In the text of February the 11th, the word 'either' was put in front of 'a true democracy'.

9th March 2021: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of February the 4th, 'in the summer of 1945' was replaced by 'by the summer of 1945'. In the text of February the 20th, the part '... he or she finds out very soon, through talks with senior members, that there are subjects they should never mention, if they want to have that career' was replaced by '... he (or she) finds out very soon, through talks with senior members, that there are subjects he should never mention, if he still wants to have that career.' The percentages of 2% and 98% were replaced by 0.5% and 99.5% respectively.

24th December 2021: in 'A selection from the texts I published on the British Democracy Forum', in 'Auntie pays John & Mary a visit', the sentence part 'for what is truely was' was replaced by 'for what it truely was'.

24th December 2021: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 4th February 2021, the part 'had the Nazis still not been defeated by the summer of 1945' was replaced by 'had the Nazis still not been crushed by the summer of 1945'. In the text of 20th February 2021, 'Last August' was replaced by 'In August 2020'. In the text of 8th November 2021, 'baloney online' was replaced by 'online baloney'. The sentence 'This is the letter I sent to the U.S. news media:' was replaced by 'This is the letter I sent to the media:'.

9th February 2022: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 1st February 2022, the sentence part 'is of Margot Frank's' was replaced by 'is Margot Frank's'. In 'A selection from the texts I published on the British Democracy Forum', in 'Auntie pays John & Mary a visit', 'truely' was replaced by 'truly'.

25th February 2022: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 25th February 2022, 'Zelenskiy' was replaced by 'Zelenskyy'.

15th March 2022: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 25th February 2022, the sentences 'NATO was founded in 1945 as a defence alliance against Communism, against Stalin's Soviet Union. Four years later, Stalin founded the Warsaw Pact as a counterweight.' were replaced by 'NATO was founded in 1949 as a defence alliance against Communism, against Stalin's Soviet Union. Six years later, the USSR founded the Warsaw Pact as a counterweight.' The sentence 'It went on expanding for no clear reason at all.' was replaced by 'It went on existing for no clear reason and it began to expand for no clear reason.' The sentence part 'So in a subtle, silent way...' was replaced by 'So I think that in a subtle, silent way...'

21st April 2022: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 15th March 2022, the sentence part 'in 2018, and ask yourself' was replaced by 'in 2018; ask yourself'. In the text of 21st April 2022, 'the succumbing to cruelties' was replaced by 'the succumbing to committing cruelties'.

20th September 2022: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the texts of 8th September 2020 and 29th October 2020, 'Simcha Torah' was replaced by 'Simchat Torah'.

8th November 2022: in the article 'Thoughts about 9/11, seventeen years on' of 24th September 2018, the sentence part 'the moments that I dared to think “could it really be..." was replaced by 'on the moments that I dared to think “could it really be...".
On the initial page, in the text 'After the terrible find in a lorry at an industrial site in the UK' of 26th October 2019, the text part 'No, they are not. The trouble starts with people breaking the law and nowhere else, and if one degree…' was replaced by 'The suggestion is vile. It's undermining law and order. The trouble doesn’t start with the authorities, but with people breaking the law and nowhere else, and if one degree…'.
In 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 25th February 2022, the sentence 'And that concludes the other half of the story which "our" media don't tell us' was replaced by 'And that concludes the other half of the story, the half which "our" media don't tell us'.
In the text of 20th September 2022, the sentence 'Kyiv was once named "the third Rome", next to Rome and Constantinopel (today's Istanbul)' was replaced by 'As a great center of Christianity, Kyiv was once named "the third Rome", next to Rome and Constantinopel (today's Istanbul)'.

11th February 2023: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 25th February 2022, 'defence alliance in 1945' was replaced by 'defence alliance in 1949'.

15th May 2023: on the initial page, in the text 'U-Turk BoJo' of 5th October 2016, the sentence part '...another couple of million people with a Koran in their suitcase to the continent that never saw as much Koran-inspired violence as in the last couple of years...' was replaced by '...another couple of million people with a Koran in their suitcase to the same continent that never saw as much Koran-inspired violence as in the last couple of years...'

24th June 2023: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 19th August 2020, 'Monuments Men' was replaced by 'The Monuments Men'. In the text of 21st February 2023, the sentence part 'although I feel some reservations about some of the aspects of the war in Ukraine' was replaced by 'although I feel reservations about some of the aspects of Russia's warfare in Ukraine'

9th October 2023: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 11th February 2023, the sentence part 'on, I just saw' was replaced by 'on, I just saw the video'

1st February 2024: from 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', the following text of 9th February 2022 was removed:

Please join me as I will now continue from where I stopped in November 2021. In my letters to American politicians and media, I mentioned my digital book 'Britain faces the threat of Anglocide' that I e-mailed to British universities after its completion in 2003, and I want to go into my reasons to write it.

That is a story that brings me back to the 1970s, when I was a teenager. When you are young, you are strongly influenced by the ideas of your parents about life, people, the world around you, and so was I. My parents could enjoy the nice things of life and laughed a lot, but over the years, I noticed they could become indignant and even angry when they were reading the newspaper or watching TV, and we talked about that, and since I was young, they did most of the talking and explaining and I was listening.

I always understood what they were telling to me, and their indignation and anger worried me, as I loved both my parents and I rather wanted to see them being happy of course.

At the same time however, when I went to school and got acquainted with children from other backgrounds, and as from 1977, when I got my first job, I found out that other people were having totally different ideas about politics than my parents had.

There was one political party in particular which my father really detested, the social democratic PvdA party - it was in government then - and he didn't think much of the other major parties either.

Yet I can vividly remember how a fair number of my colleagues in my first job unreservedly told they had voted for the PvdA in the 1977 elections. Without a whiff of a shame! I was also stunned by the outcome of those elections, which saw the PvdA win 53 of the 150 seats in Parliament, a gain of 10 seats. "Don't these people realize how the PvdA is going to ruin The Netherlands?", I thought to myself. Yet a shy and insecure character, I was never one to engage in vehement discussions with colleagues.

So at a young age, I realized there was a big gap between my parents' outlook on the world and the views of many other people, but I felt my parents were right.

(Here ends the text fragment that was removed from the initial page on 1st February 2024.)

11th May 2024: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 7th May 2024, 'to their disposal' was replaced by 'at their disposal'

22nd May 2024: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 7th May 2024, 'agressor' was replaced by 'aggressor'. In the text of 17th May 2024, 'appointed' was replaced by 'designated'.

23rd May 2024: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 22nd May, the sentence part 'I promised the people that the next general election would take place in the second half of 2024...' was replaced by 'I promised the people a general election in the second half of 2024...'

1st August 2024: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 23rd May, the sentence 'See Part 2 of my digital book Britain faces the threat of Anglocide, Control+F 'Wallage', for more quotes of Mr Wallage that make you wonder why he wants to see Mr Wilders in het Torentje.' was replaced by 'For more quotes of Mr Wallage that make you wonder why he wants to see Mr Wilders move into het Torentje, see Part 2 of my digital book Britain faces the threat of Anglocide, Control+F: Wallage'

25th December 2024: on the initial page, in 'Please America, liberate us yet again (and yourself in the process)', in the text of 12th December 2024 about the explosion in my town of birth, the sentence 'Dozens of people were seriously wounded' was replaced by 'Four people got wounded.'

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